Each screw anchor is engineered and installed to ensure the required foundation load is achieved, taking into account actual soil conditions and other site specific requirements, ensuring the most cost effective solution.
Unique Design
- Dimensions of the screw anchor allow it to be transported and stored easily.
- Screw anchors can, in most cases, be manually handled.
- Ideal for installation in confined areas i.e. low head room, limited access, various obstacles.
- Unlimited shelf life.
- No special storage or handling requirements.
- The strength of a screw anchor is designed more to withstand installation pressures than the actual load requirements.
- Screw anchors can be hot dipped galvanized or coated by other means so as to retard corrosion.
- Life expectancy compares to other foundation types.
- No vibration to affect adjacent buildings, foundations or soil structures.
- Minimal noise.
- Very quick installation.
- The Screw anchor is screwed into the ground by means of a hydraulic torque motor, much like a wood screw is screwed into wood thus producing zero vibration or structural damage to adjacent soil and buildings.
- Minimal ground disturbance.
Flexible and adaptable design solutions
- The design of the Screw anchor is specific to the loads required and the soil type.
- Screw anchors can accommodate any site with multiple connections and options available.
- Screw anchors are typically installed to about 3 meters, but can be installed much deeper.
- Screw Foundations can be installed at any angle.
- Screw Foundations are fully removable, in most cases.
- On-site changes in design are easily achieved to meet Engineer's requirements.
Pre-engineered foundations give predictable and reliable solutions
- Screw anchors are designed and manufactured to exact requirements before arriving on site.
Cost effective
- No, or small, excavations.
- Minimal amount of relatively small construction vehicles on site.
- Total solution savings of between 25% and 50% are common.
- Rapid installation process accelerates construction reducing overheads and increasing outputs.
Exceptional performance in poor soils -- sand, marsh, and swamp
- With the addition of extensions we are able to install Screw anchors deep below the poor soil into stronger soils to give required holding strength.
- Screw anchors can be installed in water logged holes, dams , swamp lands and marshes, the design is such that there are no components that need to cure before applying load.
- Excellent stabilisation of settlement and collapsing soils.
- Screw Anchors work in cohesive and non-cohesive soils.
Better quality control
- Screw anchors are fabricated to exact specifications, in a factory under the strict requirements of an ISO 9001 quality assurance program. (Accreditation references)
- Minimal affect from external factors such as:
- Rain
- Extreme temperatures
- Labour problems
- Transport delays
- Every anchor is tested for its required holding strength on installation.
- Through the accurate and continual monitoring of the installation torque the correlation to resultant load is determined.
- Accurate “AS BUILT” records.
- Visual and recorded monitoring of every installation.
Significantly decreased construction time giving accelerated building schedules
- Once it is installed it can be used immediately to support the load.
- Screw Foundation typically take from 5 to 20 minutes to install.
Low impact in congested areas
- Screw anchors can be installed in shopping centres, Garages, complexes and industrial areas, with minimal traffic interruption.
Health Safety and Environment
- Fewer construction vehicles.
- Clean construction areas.
- Small skilled workforce.
- Very small construction and design footprint.
- No hazardous chemicals are used in the construction process.
- No concrete is required.
- No, or small, excavations.
- No waste is generated.
- Fully removable and re-usable system can be provided.
- Rapid installation time - typically 5-20min. per individual Screw Foundation.
- No need to remove or excavate any soil.
- Limited noise pollution.
- No vibration or hammer action.
- No working at heights.
- Very safe work area.
Can be used in low access areas
- The compact design and flexibility allows for Screw anchors to be installed in tight spaces and low access areas.
- Screw anchors can be installed next to walls, under roofs, under car ports, indoors, next to existing buildings.
- Under live conductors.
- Restricted head room.
Little or no excavations required
- No drilling or boring of holes.
- Some structures will require a small excavation for a concrete cap.
Additional Support
- If a building or structures foundation is creeping, Screw Foundations can be installed and connected to reinforce the existing failed foundation.
- If development is going to occur on top of an existing building or structure, Screw Foundations can be installed to increase the existing foundation.
Screw anchors can typically be removed after installation
- Ideal for temporary applications.
- If a design change or correction is required, the installed screw anchors may be removed and reused without damage.